Well, I did not complete the 11 day challenge as planned, but my hodge-podge approach to viewing the daily videos seemed to reveal a general pattern which I’ve adapted to a little world view I like to call Plan C. Feel free to really let you mind run with all the undertones of that title. Now, check it out. It goes something like this. . . .
CREATE . . . art, crafts, good vibrations, a nourishing meal, a new opportunity. The form your creation takes doesn’t matter. The act of consciously manifesting something is enough.
CARE . . . for others and yourself. Share hugs, share encouragement, share a meal, clean up messes. Acknowledge the adage that we are all fighting a hard battle. Infuse your being with a pervasive sense of care.
CONNECT. . . with others, with nature, with yourself. Connecting gives your thoughts a context and common ground on which to take root and flourish. Connecting brings us purpose and relieves fear.
Pretty fabulous, right? And simple. Complexity is a C-word we don't need. I'm interested in the core of things.